Monday, August 22, 2011


He is a jungle dweller and uses rings to classify his friends and enemies. His ring’s original owner was Emperor Nero of the Roman empire. He is the head of the organization named the Jungle Patrol. His ring has been made from the nails that hung Jesus to the cross. His residence includes two treasure rooms, The Minor Treasure room with gold and jewels, and the major treasure room which includes invaluable, historical treasures, like the snake that killed Cleopatra, Excalibur, sword of King Arthur, the diamond cup of Alexander The Great, Shakespeare's original Hamlet script, and much more, including one of Alfred Nobel's first sticks of dynamite. His library includes the chronicles written by his forefathers. He has a wolf, a horse, a falcon and two dolphins as pets. He is in charge of a national park consisting of hundreds of exotic animal species.

Identify him.


Rahul Varma said...


karthik said...

the Phantom

Anonymous said...


Debasish Ray said...

Phantom !! Uncle Walker !! My childhood hero :)

A S V said...

The Phantom!

Siddarth Pai said...
