Wednesday, October 26, 2011


In the Star Wars Universe, one of the many types of species found are the Children of the Green Planet.The Children of the Green Planet were puddle-footed sentients indigenous to Brodo Asogi. They are notable for their large eyes, extending necks, and glowing chests & fingers.

They first make their appearance Episode 1 : The Phantom Menace.

The Children of the Green Planet were one of the many species in the galaxy to refrain from wearing clothes. During the last days of the Old Republic they funded an extragalactic expedition project, but whether or not this expedition was ever successful or even went past the planning stage is unknown. Senator Grebleips represented the species on the Galactic Senate.

Senator Grebleips and his fellow delegates of Brodo Asogi

But this species of aliens were basically included in the Star Wars due to a promise made by George Lucas to X. X had actually included a Yoda character in his movie Y. Thereby, George Lucas promised that he would include the alien species from Y in the next Star Wars movie he would make.

Solve for X and Y.


pranav said...

think x-stephen spielberg

raghav said...

x-steven spielberg
y-E.T the extra terrestrial

Unknown said...

X = Steven Spielberg
Y = E.T.