Tuesday, May 3, 2011


X was an American Indian leader who lived during 1829 to 1909. He was one of those tribal lords who refused to agree with the US occupation of the wild American West. His name literally means "the one who yawns". The Mexican troops named him X because his consistent attacks with a knife through a trail of bullets making the soldiers utter prayers to saint Jerome. He is considered to be the "worst Indian who ever lived". A famous legend states that during one of his escapes from the American Army, he entered a cave and the US Soldiers surrounded the entrance, but still he managed to escape through another entrance which is still be found. This cave is named the X cave. There is also an Apache open source application server named after X.

One of the most easiest I have posted!! Identify X and say why is X currently in the news.


indian said...


Siddarth Pai said...


Vinay Handa said...

Geronimo ; In recent news since it was also the Code Name of the Operation by U.S Navy Seals on Abottabad (Pakistan) to capture Osama Bin Laden in which the Al-Quaida leader was killed.